DFW Latina Society Membership

Your go-to for Professional Networking Events for Latina-Owned businesses in Dallas-Fort Worth.

What’s Included

Professional Networking

With our membership, you will have access to attend professional (and fun!) networking events. We always have a fun agenda with our goal of you meeting every person who attends, leaving with new connections.

Free or Discounted Events

Save more long-term by becoming a member which will allow you access to free or discounted networking events catered to Latina-Owned business women in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Business Directory

Add your business to our directory to reach new visitors, clients, and customers!

DFW Latina Society Membership

DFW Latina Society Exclusive Access
Every month
Every year

***Pricing is discounted to reflect the remainder of this year.

Visit our Event Gallery

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals”

-Jean Vanier